Phil's Slides

ScotlandJS 2015 Docker talk:

Getting Started with Docker

A Dose of "the Hoff"

David Hasselhoff's new video:

Doing Stuff with Docker

Command Description
docker version Does Docker work?!
docker search tutorial Search for premade image from Docker Hub.
docker pull learn/tutorial Download the image
docker run learn/tutorial echo "hello world" Run the command echo "hello world" in tutorial.
docker run learn/tutorial ps -l Check out the processes in the container.
docker run -t -i ubuntu /bin/bash Start a shell in the ubuntu container.
docker run ubuntu apt-get install -y ping Install ping (without having to type "yes").
docker commit {HASH/NAME} learn/ping Save an container learn/ping.
docker push learn/ping Push the learn/ping image to Docker Hub.
docker images List all your local images.
docker ps List all your running containers.
docker ps -a List all your containers.
docker rmi learn/ping Remove an image.
docker rm {HASH/NAME} Remove a container.

More Reading on Docker